Intentions Experience


Intentions Experience is collective in Montreal that aims to merge the realms of music, wellness, and spirituality. The collective, formed by creators Andrée Anne Cadieux, Chafik Hamad (aka DJ Oxymore), and Yassmin Khalifa, aims to build a safe space for connection and spreading love. Their motto: “Come as you are, open your mind, and nourish your soul.”

MTL Electronic Music had the opportunity to talk with the leaders of the collective to discuss with them their purpose, goals, and future. Read on!

Intentions Experience Snapshot

About Intentions Experience

What led you to form Intentions Experience?

The collective stemmed from a need to create creative and collaborative spaces that merge the worlds of wellness and music. We have a profound love and appreciation for the power of these worlds as they exist today, and have experienced the deep connection and healing that music brings into this space. As avid electronic music lovers and creators, we experience these heightened states of consciousness and energy within musical experiences (on and off the dancefloor) and aim to merge sound healing techniques with electronic music (ambient soundscapes, live production alongside musical instruments).

Can you elaborate on the relationship between electronic music and wellness?

Sound healing and electronic music (particularly downtempo and ambient subgenres) share some similarities in how they effect the mind and body, and how they create a specific mood or atmosphere. We believe that sound healing and electronic music can provide unique and immersive sensory experiences that have the potential to positively impact the mind, body, and emotions. They both place a strong emphasis on the power of sound.

In sound healing, various instruments or vocal tones are used to create specific frequencies or vibrations that have healing effects on the body and mind. Similarly, in ambient electronic music, the focus is on creating immersive soundscapes and textures using synthesizers, samplers, and other electronic instruments to evoke emotions and create a particular atmosphere.

In sound healing, specific frequencies or tones are believed to stimulate the release of endorphins, dopamine, and other mood-enhancing neurotransmitters in the brain. Similarly, ambient electronic music often features evolving textures, subtle melodies, and emotional chord progressions that can evoke a wide range of feelings from tranquility to melancholy and awe.

Full Moon Events

Every month, you host a full moon event. Tell us more about it!

Our Full Moon Events are meant to be a time of appreciation for what the universe has provided us, and for that reason we decided to set our experiences around the lunar cycles. By looking inward and giving appreciation for everything we have received from the previous cycle, our full moon events encourages us to live life with more intention and usher in the energy that might realign us with nature.

Our experiences are designed to align with the energy of each specific lunar cycle and combine wellness practices such as Kundalini Yoga, Intuitive Movement, and Breathwork, as well as a sound healing/musical element to each experience. We believe that the combination of wellness and musical modalities creates a conscious space to connect and elevate the mind, body, and soul.

Past Events

It sounds like you are developing a novel experience for electronic music lovers! Can you tell us about a few of your past events?

Sure! Here are summaries of two past events that were very transformative to all those involved

Full Moon Ceremony: Shamanic Journey through sounds and the spirit of cacao

This event began with a sacred Cacao Ceremony, a substance known for its heart-opening properties. Cacao has been used for centuries by indigenous cultures as a plant medicine and a tool for spiritual growth. Our event began with intention setting, one that invited the energy of the Full Moon to guide us. We then incorporated some shamanic practices to get to a state of high consciousness, using movement, vibrations, and plant intelligence.

Next, we were transported by the music of Julie Charlebois, Alexandre Drouin and Sylvain Lepage, which took us on a journey through sounds and vibrations. Inspired by the healing power of music, shamanic trance, and music from cultures across the globe, we embarked on an intuitive journey with each other, improvising on various instruments (didgeridoo, guitar, drums, chanting, ambient/downtempo music).

Full Moon Ceremony: Kundalini Yoga + Breathwork

This ceremony began with a Kundalini Yoga practice led by Catheryn Bergeron, which was designed to activate and balance the energy centers in the body. After this, we transitioned to a powerful breathwork session to facilitate a deeper connection to the full moon’s energy and to help release any negative energy that our members might have held onto. The breathwork was guided by Juliane Lacroix, and anchored by a downtempo musical set designed by Salome Blervaque and Andrée Anne Cadieux.